
Research Article

Sounding procedure for characterization of big fusion reactor chambers by means of a compact neutron source with a nanosecond pulse duration

VA Gribkov*, B Bienkowska, S Jednorog, M Paduch and Tomaszewski

Published: 20 September, 2018 | Volume 1 - Issue 1 | Pages: 033-051

In the paper a methodology that is elaborated for characterization of big-sized chambers of modern and future nuclear fusion reactors is described. It gives an opportunity to define distortions introduced by surroundings, systems and elements of the chamber into the neutron field generated during the reactors’ operation. The procedure is based on two types of experimental techniques supported by MCNP numerical modelling. These two classes are: 1) the neutron activation methods for measuring changes in anisotropy of the “absolute” neutron yields, and 2) the time-of-flight process for determination of neutron spectra deformations. MCNP calculations afterwards give an opportunity to fix just those elements of the surroundings that introduce the main impact in the perturbed neutron field characteristics.

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Fusion reactors; Dense plasma focus; Nanosecond neutron pulses; Neutron activation diagnostics; Time-of flight spectral diagnostics


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