
Review Article

Finite-time thermodynamics: Realizability domains of thermodynamic systems and P. Salamon’s problem of efficiency corresponding to maximum power output of the system

Tsirlin AM* and Sukin IA

Published: 16 October, 2018 | Volume 1 - Issue 1 | Pages: 052-066

The paper analyses performance boundaries of systems converting the heat energy into the mechanical or separation work. Authors approach this problem from the view-point of the finite-time thermodynamics. Using thermodynamic balance equations, authors provide the algorithm for calculation of realizability domain for such systems. The paper shows that the performance of these systems is the upper bounded function of the heat flux, assuming that heat and mass transfer coefficients are given. Authors present sufficient conditions under which the efficiency (specific heat flux per unit of the useful flux) of the system does not depend on kinetic coefficients when operating in the maximum performance mode. The paper shows how to use these conditions to optimally choose the separation order for multicomponent distillation.

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