
Short Communication

Raw materials criticalities in material selection & design

Paolo Ferro*

Published: 19 February, 2020 | Volume 3 - Issue 1 | Pages: 017-019

Circular Economy, Sustainability, Design for Environment are some of the keywords that identify new formidable challenges to be faced in the next years. Raw materials have a dominant role in reaching that goal. Green energy, electric vehicles, communication, etc. depends on raw materials labeled as critical because of their economic importance coupled with high supply risk. For this reason, mitigating actions need to be used in materials selection and design such as material substitution, improved materials efficiency and recycling. In this technical communication, a method to implement raw materials criticality issues in materials selection is described according to the recent literature. The strategy is based on Ashby’s approach and the definition of the alloy criticality index quantifying the criticality per unit of mass of the material.

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  1. Ashby MF, Bréchet YJM, Cebon D, Salvo L. Selection strategies for materials and processes. Materials & Design. 2004; 25: 51-67.
  2. Ferro P, Bonollo F, Cruz SA. Alloy Substitution in a Critical Raw Materials Perspective. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale. 2020; 51: 81-91.
  3. Study on the review of the list of Critical Raw Materials. Critical Raw Materials Factsheets. 2017; ISBN 978-92-79-72119-9.
  4. Ferro P, Bonollo F. Materials selection in a critical raw materials perspective. Materials and Design. 2019; 177: 107848
  5. Ferro P, Bonollo F. Design for Recycling in a Critical Raw Materials Perspective. Recycling. 2019; 4: 44.
  6. Ferro P, Bonollo F, Cruz SA. Product design from an environmental and critical raw materials perspective. Int J Sustainable Engineering. 2020.


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