
Research Article

A new theory on the shape of the universe and the origin of the time

Marcel Julmard Ongoumaka Yandza*

Published: 25 January, 2022 | Volume 5 - Issue 1 | Pages: 001-006

In this article, we have made a theoretical research, at the limit of the scientific reflection, to respond to the following query: what is the origin of the time? To find the response to this question, we adopted an attractive method. First, we have considered the light physical characteristics (speed, energy...) as the invariants. On this basis, we characterized all other physical systems by referring to the light. By this scheme, we showed that the calculation of the absolute physical characteristics of any system comes compulsory by the light viewpoint. That method avoids the use of mathematical transformations like Lorentz transformation; which is used in relativity to make invariant the equations by the change of the system of reference. Second, we made other hypothesis to find a law characterizing the interactions between matter and antimatter. Third, we used these interactions to quantify the time. The central query of this research led us to the shape of the universe and its volume. Finally, we found that the universe is a conical shape.

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Light; Time; Shape of the universe; Matter; Antimatter


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