
Research Article

Research into the fundamental building block of quantum theorem of the unified force field

Abraham Joseph*

Published: 28 March, 2023 | Volume 6 - Issue 1 | Pages: 035-036

This is a work based on the extension of the work of Professor James Clerk Maxwell and Albert Einstein into a new framework of science built on provable mathematical theorem which serves as a basis for unifications of the fundamental forces which all together have become impossible to unify under the current framework of General relativity and Quantum Field theory.
It is to be used as a piece for inspiring new innovations, discovering and exploring the terrains of the difficult pathways in physics where our modern physical theories have failed.
This work is meant to be adapted and used by various physics professionals who are working on extending the frontiers of physics or providing solutions to problems that cannot be handled by current physics framework. In summary it is an inspirational tool that hopefully will help our professional in physics out there.
It interpretations and applications is subject to the personal inspirations the reader who is a professional can derived from the work for his or her personal usage.

Read Full Article HTML DOI: 10.29328/journal.ijpra.1001051 Cite this Article Read Full Article PDF


  1. Quantum Mechanics and Particle Physics by Bob Eagle.
  2. Superstring theory by Professor Leonard Susskind.
  3. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics by Peter Mann
  4. Quantum Field theory by Mark Srednicki
  5. Quantum Field theory and Particle Physics by Badis Ydri
  6. Stationary Action Principle and Noether Theorem by Noah
  7. Gauge theory and Symmetry by Professor Sean Carol


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