Research Article
Time Electron Theory
Syed Munim Qadri*
Published: 05 April, 2024 | Volume 7 - Issue 1 | Pages: 026-039
What is time? Is it a physical quantity, illusion, or dimension? Defining time is challenging and fascinating. We often consider time as a dimension to help us understand the concept of space-time. Time undeniably exists, but we can only sense its presence through its effects. For instance, if we take two apples, one bought months ago and the other just a day ago, we can tell that one apple was bought a long time ago because it had rotted. We express time as the effect caused by it. If there were no effects of time on this universe, then the concept of time would not exist [1,2].
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DOI: 10.29328/journal.ijpra.1001081
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Electron interaction theory of time; Time as an emergent property; Electron movement and time perception; Entropy and time's arrow; Gravitational time dilation; Microscopic vs. Macroscopic time perception; Time equation; Breaking of symmetry and time; Quantum transitions and time's flow; Quantum mechanics; Special relativity
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