
Research Article

Structural Morphology of Organic Waste-derived Fiber in X–band Frequency

Sirajo Abdullahi* and Yahya Abubakar Aliero

Published: 05 June, 2024 | Volume 7 - Issue 1 | Pages: 066-069

Sawdust is a by-product or waste product of woodworking such as cutting, sanding, machining, planning, and routing. Saw dust consists of small woodcutting intending to study the structural morphology of organic waste fiber derived in an X-band frequency and synthesis of the rice dust and sawdust. The solid-state method was employed to mix the husk, to obtain the fine power, and the Fourier-transform infrared spectroscope was used to determine the sample absorption rate. The FTIR results show that the best samples are 6.5 g and 6.5 g rice bark and sawdust, with an absorbance rate of 86% and 14% transmission, which will be used for the manufacture of electronic and communication devices.

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Organic waste; Fiber; Frequency; Motion; Sawdust


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