
Research Article

West Africa's Drought Dynamics: An Investigation of SPI and SPEI indices (1979-2021)

Akinwande DD*, Ogolo EO and Ojo OS

Published: 24 July, 2024 | Volume 7 - Issue 2 | Pages: 108-118

West Africa’s population is projected to reach 500 million by 2050, exacerbating the need for reliable drought detection and management strategies to ensure food and water security. This study investigated drought detection in West Africa using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI). The objective is to evaluate the performance of SPI and SPEI in detecting droughts and compare their strengths and limitations. The results revealed that both indices detected droughts effectively, but SPEI was more sensitive to evapotranspiration and temperature change. The findings offer valuable insights into climate change impacts, drought monitoring, and sustainable water resource management in the regions under investigation in West Africa.

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Drought monitoring; Precipitation; Evapotranspiration; Climate variability; Time series analysis


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