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Submitted: August 11, 2022 | Approved: October 03, 2022 | Published: October 04, 2022

How to cite this article: Chukova YP. Pandemic as the second stage of the extinction of our civilization. Int J Phys Res Appl. 2022; 5: 027-028.

DOI: 10.29328/journal.ijpra.1001047

Copyright License: © 2022 Chukova YP. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which peRmits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Pandemic as the second stage of the extinction of our civilization

Yu P Chukova*

Moscow Society of Researchers of Nature (MOIP 1805), Russia

*Address for Correspondence: Yu P Chukova, Moscow Society of Researchers of Nature (MOIP 1805), Russia, Email:


In the twentieth century, the works of W. Wien, M. Planck and A. Einstein. Lord Rayleigh, Sh. Bose, L. Landau, M. Weinstein, Yu. Chukova and P. Landsberg [1-5] created a new science – quantum thermodynamics, which formulated the law of the efficiency of conversion of electromagnetic radiation into other types of energy for isothermal processes in open thermodynamic systems. This efficiency is of the greatest interest since the whole living world is a huge factory of isothermal processes.

This efficiency as a function of the absorbed energy is a curve with a maximum. It is shown in the Figure 1. The spectral density of radiation Eν or any other experimental quantities, which is proportional to it (illumination, intensity, power, etc.), can be deposited along the abscissa axis. The efficiency or the value of the measured effect is deposited along the ordinate axis. The dotted line represents the area of functioning of the human eye, the dot-and-dash line represents the area of photosynthesis of plants and algae and the points represent the efficiency of solar batteries.

A solid line is a theoretical curve. A linear region on a semi-logarithmic scale means a logarithmic dependence (the Weber-Fechner law [3]). In this area, parity is maintained between the conversion of radiation into free energy and into heat. This is an area of the stable functioning of the system. Under the strong influence, parity is violated and the quota of radiation converted into heat will increase. This leads to the heating of the system and its destruction in the case of solar panels and to death in the case of living systems. The shape of the curve is determined by the nature (type) of nonlinearity in a system [6].

The difference between the biosphere and the noosphere is less significant than the difference between living and inanimate nature, so it was interesting to compare the thermodynamic results with the results of the Club of Rome, which wanted to find out the causes of the extinction of our civilization and they were called: rapid industrialization, population growth, food shortages, depletion of non-renewable resources, degradation of the natural environment. As a result of computer calculations of more than a dozen schemes, the result was the death of civilization.

The thermodynamic efficiency of converting solar energy into other types of energy (this is the most important efficiency in the world because this process created all life on Earth) also gives destruction to isothermal processes under strong influences on the system and under weak ones explains many effects that experimenters (physicists, chemists, biologists, physiologists) could not explain 100 years. The comparison of the thermodynamic theory with experiments on the photo movement of the simplest organisms allowed us to see the way to salvation from the death of our civilization.

This pathway has already been used in the evolution of wildlife on Earth by cyanobacteria (according to algologists). These extremely small protozoa (several microns in size) managed to change the atmosphere of the planet Earth, whose diameter is 12700 kilometers. Before their appearance, the atmosphere on Earth was regenerative and 200 million years after their appearance (thanks to emissions from their organisms!) it has become oxidizing. With this grandiose change in the atmosphere, the cyanobacteria themselves could well have died. But they did not die, because these brainless creatures (they do not have not only brains but there is not even a nucleus in a cell!) know how to behave correctly in conditions of maximum comfort, which are determined by the maximum efficiency of converting solar energy into free energy, which they then spend in all forms of their life activity. Since these processes have been studied and understood for simple systems, it is extremely clear what is an indicator of being at the maximum for them: a slight increase in temperature. It reduces the feeling of comfort and they tend to go to a place where comfort is maximum and the illumination is less.

Our generation, finding itself in the seventies of the last century in the conditions of the maximum development of our civilization, did not think that only a decline could follow the maximum and sharply increased energy consumption: over the past ten years, energy consumption on the planet has increased by one third. The temperature has already increased quite seriously (climate warming is the first stage of the extinction of our civilization) and as a result, some protozoa have become more active and we have witnessed a pandemic. This is the second stage of the extinction of our civilization. And in order to return to the maximum conditions, you need to take a step back in the total energy consumption on the planet.

This information was sent to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and handed to him on 01.09.2021.

I still have not received a response to my appeal.

All this is described in detail in my 5 books (two in English [1,3] and three in Russian [2,4,5]), where about 90 of my publications in scientific journals are named. Books are easily purchased online.

  1. Chukova YP. Advances in nonequilibrium thermodynamics of systems under electromagnetic radiation, Moscow, Khrizostom. 2001; 116:ISBN 5-7508-0285-X.
  2. Chukova YP. Low-level influence effects. Thermodynamic, experimental (medical and biological), social, legislative, international and philosophical aspects of the problem. Moscow, 2002, - 428 p, ISBN 5-89047-013-2
  3. Chukova YP. The Weber-Fechner Law. Moscow. ZAO MP Gigiena. 2010; 180:ISBN 978-5-904207-07-6
  4. Chukova YP. Introduction to quantum thermodynamics of nonequilibrium isothermal processes. Moscow, Megapolis. 2018; 478:ISBN 5-86804-022-8
  5. Chukova YP. From M Planck, A Einstein, L Landau to the Club of Rome. Moscow, Megapolis. 2020; 216:ISBN 5- 86804-023-6
  6. Chukova YP. Bose Condensation and non thermal processes in living systems under millimeter (MM) radiation. Electromagn Biol Med. 2009;28(1):41-5. doi: 10.1080/15368370802708355. PMID: 19337893.