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Submitted: May 19, 2023 | Approved: June 19, 2023 | Published: June 20, 2023

How to cite this article: Hidajatullah-Maksoed W. Pristine and Fullerene between Hasselmann and Van Hasselt. Int J Phys Res Appl. 2023; 6: 119-120.

DOI: 10.29328/journal.ijpra.1001060

Copyright License: © 2023 Hidajatullah-Maksoed W. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Keywords: Van Hasselt; Room temperature organic superconductors; Criminal physics; Econophysics; Tensor; Fusion

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Pristine and Fullerene between Hasselmann and Van Hasselt

Widastra Hidajatullah-Maksoed*

Department of Physics, University of Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia

*Address for Correspondence: Widastra Hidajatullah-Maksoed, Department of Physics, University of Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia, Email:

It was about K3C60 organic superconductors related to a region found in Belgie at least funding & cash case denoted in mathematics dealt with economical realms, instead of econophysics. We also dealt with fusion also discussed in pure mathematics of tensor & Connes fusion as well as µ-catalyzed fusion.

Accompany the ‘the most economical covering of space by sphere’ [the so-called “thinnest covering”] and thus they mainly arrange in a superlattice, - due to the thick organic shell, the orientational ordering of nanocrystals within this type of superlattice is low, therefore this type of crystal is not a monocrystal.


Have been sought whereas the organic superconductivity hybrid compound is still rare here we found DEFCOM and any academic-Attitudes we found since 1993 we try to propose to the Senate of Institute of Technology Bandung, it was of Z. Hissy as well as Alger Hiss and not least of @ US $ 250,000.00 fund provided for.

Through “superatoms” from Itai Panas & screening effect, I intend to relate June 8th, 2022 of ViceDean of FMIPA University of Indonesia to “Ship Tracks over the Pacific Ocean” – we have Pristine8.6+® for C60 “pristine” in [1] while Gary Adams/Arizona State Univ states “fullerene” to whom K3C60 coined by Taekyung Yoon ever sent to the written signature from Peter A. Bennett/Department of Physics for title of “From Spintronics to CFD/Contract for Differences” abstract.

Problem description

We offers relates of “Climate change” engaged microfossil [Gary S. Dwyer] & CaCO3 of nannofossils, firstly to justice paradox through Burkett:”A Justice Paradox: on Climate Change, Small Island Developing States…” as well as Posner & Sustein (Aug-2009): ”Global Warming & Social Justice” whereas to Quantum Chemistry & Centre for Hyperincursion & Anticipation in Ordered System/C.H.A.O.S herewith Scott (1993): Chaos Theory & Justice Paradox” to which from Merkl: “Politics, at its best is a noble quest for a good order & justice”. A CfD is a private law contract between developer of low carbon electricity & the government-owned LCCC here if we guides the title received by Bennett :” a thin superconductor is strongly suppressed by contact with ferromagnet, and in an F/S/F trilayer (the equivalent of the spintronic spin valve), to which the TIPSb/C9H21Sb the Sb itself as by-product of gold ore, Dr. N. Bonini & Dr. CR Weber quotes”CuSbS”: DEFCOM:Designing Eco-Friendly & Cost-Efficient Energy Materials” we have Dmitry Chornyi:, Company President of DEFCOM from principality of Monaco sovereign city-state:

So, for Mesofractals Initiative we intend to establish to complete nannofossil-justice paradox relation, from Lennart Bergström of mesocrystal:

“Equal spheres (in this case, mono-disperse nanoparticles) have to be put together with the minimal possible overlap, this situation corresponds to the most economical covering of space by spheres (the so-called “thinnest covering” in mathematics) and thus they mainly arrange in a superlattice with… symmetry. Due to the thick organic shell, the orientational ordering of nanocrystals within this type of superlattice is low; therefore this type of crystal is not a mesocrystal.”

Even defined a CfD/Contract for Differences is a private law contract between a developer of low-carbon electricity and the Low Carbon Contracts Company [LCCC], a government-owned company. These are referred to in the contract as ‘Generator’ and ‘CfD Counterparty’ respectively. The generator is paid the difference between the ‘strike price’ – a price for electricity reflecting the cost of investing in a particular low-carbon technology – and the ‘reference price’ – a cost measure of the average GB market price for electricity. Contracts are awarded in a series of competitive auctions.

Term of considerations

µ-catalyzed fusion & “Relativized Minimality”

Now for the last, those were “Vessel Hull Design” in the discussion of Performance & Phonograms [of monograph/gramophones] World War II oxygen vessel from LC Case, ScD’s µ-catalyzed fusion [with Fission/Fusion occurred in DNA mitochondria], we have R. Van Hasselt to promotes Sri Hardjoko Wiryomartono/FTMD-ITB ever sought van Hasselt: “Cultuur Management”- unknown year- accomplishes Klaus Hasselmann as 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics Winner, Postcode 3500 in Hasselt, Belgie denotes.

Ever derived for public debt growth of similar Hamiltonian in sociophysics those were Random field missing Model/RFIM in the external field whereas between fusion & superconductors laid “electricity” comprise photo/-magnetochemistry.

As AJ Wassermann distinct the classical invariant theory to quantum invariant theory subfactor, in [2] described the subfactor theory & Witt-algebra whereas Andreas Thom’s explanation about Connes Fusion Tensor Product/CFTP related the Connes fusion as corresponded to the composition of homomorphism:

i. Classical tensor product O-X adds the changes

ii. Relative tensor product H-X preserves the changes.

That vice-verse classical digma from symmetry debts between light & matter [Noether’s theorem], Connes Fusion Tensor Product/CFTP & Two Point Correlation Functions/TPCF [Fauzi, et al. - 2002], between mind & brain, observation & inferred statement, etc but it seems solved by Luigi Rizzi: “Relativized Minimality”, 1990.

Relation to ethical interest

For Photon Gluon Fission/PGF defined:” the photon is the gauge boson of Quantum electrodynamics/QED, the simplest of all boson” accompanied by “the isomorphic of these module spaces for general “g “ also defied the QFT/Quantum Filed theory which is invariant under conformal transformation & in 2 D where there is infinite-dimensional algebra.

To understand. We had of mechanism resolutes the typical linguistic problem of removing homonym indefiniteness we offer [3].

Ever recommend changing silicon-based electronics [“in silico”] by DNA-based biocomputers which are more powerful than the fastest supercomputers ever built in the world.

Fundings & cash-case in trade & economy of works ever distinguished between “buying & selling” in the real economy & “lending & borrowing” in the financial economy [4]. To derivation-differentiation & general mathematics, described whereas disorganized & unplanned state is increasing entropy since the increase of irregularity increases entropy at the same rate in Ulusoy & Tunga Sen: “A Sociophysical Approach to the relationship between Politics & Economy: The Lagrange Model of the Crowds”, Quantrade J of CSSC, 2019.

For “No-debt Swap”, to thinnest & most economical covering, sought that both the biblical & the geometric approach imply, in expectation, the business cycle is six-sevenths the length of the credit cycle. It was an ethical consideration in Indonesia through Supreme Court Act no 2, 2012 that the debt & borrowing have a threshold limit and is not absolute and ought to be payback with similar serial cash.

Can be inferred for a “public economy” there found by-itself evidence from technical finance, serial cash & barcode of traded goods in buying & selling, lending & borrowing, from random numbers, maybe “4th Book of Moses”, to economical thinnest covering[space by spheres], “in which it ends” even to the tensor product in Connes Fusion & µ-catalyzed fusion which provide unexhaustible energy with sea-water as fuel, inclusively “maria”; Latin name of seas as realms as well as controlled-environments of all superconductors & fusion [5].

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