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Chaos to Cosmos: Quantum Whispers and the Cosmic Genesis

Published on: 4th February, 2025

Quantum fluctuations, usually arising from the inherent uncertainty in the quantum fields, are pivotal in understanding the universe at both the small and large scales. Even though fluctuations are usually unobservable and rather small, they give significant observable effects during specific epochs under specific conditions. During the early epochs of the universe, the fluctuations were scaled, resulting in the primordial density perturbations that gave rise to the large-scale structure of the universe and the observed inhomogenities. In this paper, we study the basic origin, structure, evolution, and imprints of fluctuations during the inflationary period resulting in large-scale structure formation. We use the Mukhanov-sasaki formalism to model scalar perturbations, embedding the theoretical results into observations. Theoretical predictions show an almost scale-invariant power spectrum with stringent constraints on the inflationary parameters. It further states that in the very early universe, the inflatons that are quanta of the primordial field were highly filled in the degenerate quantum state. This carries large potential energy that results in an exponential expansion of the universe. During post post-inflationary period the inflaton dominated the Universe’s energy density; they interact among themselves and due to non-linear effects, these inhomogeneities grow which amalgamate into spatially distinguishable patches in our observable universe. Our understanding projects us towards the fact that fluctuations play a pivotal role in understanding the structure formation at micro, macro, and far-macro scales. This study also addresses the significance of quantum fluctuations in cosmic evolution and manifests the enduring relevance in addressing some of the profound mysteries of our universe.
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